Monday, September 8, 2008

Hurricane Season

A Storm Surge in Cuba before hurricane Ike even arrives

Haitians fleeing the port city of Gonaives which has been devastated

My friends know that I love to say I told you so. This time however it's not so sweet. I arrived in Miami just in time for the 2 worst hurricane seasons on record, then it was nice and calm for two years. I knew they were coming back... and how. Lucky for south Florida it has not been hit badly this year yet. The Caribbean has been getting murderized though. Haiti and Cuba have taken quite the hits. With death tolls already in the hundreds in both countries and more storms likely.

Tropical Storms are named after people in alphabetical order alternating between male and female names. Right now Ike is on it's way to Cuba after killing at least 60 people in Haiti. Hanna who just passed through Haiti took at least 500 lives. Cuba and Haiti are more prone to catastrophic damage due to the poor conditions of the construction. Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere and Cuba is full of old decaying buildings... Haiti has been in terrible shape for...ever (it seems like, though it does have a rich history) and Cuba has um... diplomatic issues with the rich country closest to it.
What can be done about this?

What do EWE think?