Thursday, October 30, 2008

More WAR

So the US is being accused of killing 8 people inside of Syria. The Syrian government wants an apology while the US State Department and the White House refuse to confirm the attack. 

Unnamed US officials claim the attack killed an Iraq Al-Qaeda chief. Syria is an "ally" we have been hearing for years that large amounts of weapons and fighters have been crossing into Iraq from Syria. this is a tricky situation no? 

Obviously we can't expect Syria to be able to STOP the border crossings completely. Look at how good a job our government does trying to keep Mexicans out of here. They surely don't have the impetus to take on such a large mission. Plus such a large outward cooperation with the US would only make them a target too. 

So the US has to decide if they are going to take matters into their own hands or not. Killing Syrians in Syria is gonna do one thing for sure. Make Syrians and other US haters pretty fuckin mad. Killing this one guy is definitely not gonna stop the influx of fighters or weapons. So really what's the point? 

It seems to me that all this does is inflame tensions and put a very temporary and small dent in the Al-Qaeda power. I won't pretend I know how to solve this problem but I surely recognize that cross border raids which result in collateral deaths is NOT the answer. What should be done about this??

And why haven't John-John Phenomenon or Barock the Vote mentioned this at all? (or have they)

What do EWE Think?

Monday, October 6, 2008


I know it's old news by now but have you checked out Sarah Palin? NO not her gams, her brain. She's not the sharpest knife in the box. I will give her some credit for the Vice Presidential debate. She managed not to look like a complete idiot and didn't make it too obvious that she wasn't answering any of the questions. Her folksy stories and outright refusal to pronounce nuclear correctly may be endearing to some people but to a Estacio-six-pack like me she sounds like a dunce. I read an Onion article the other day about how the other half of the country completely disagrees with you. (click on the article title to check that out) That is such a valid point that it motivated me to work out all my absentee ballot shit. I've been chillin with Lambert in Miami but now I'm up in NYC. I figure I should still vote out there since it can "make a difference".

The thing is I believe every vote counts as much as I believed Clay Aiken was straight. I also trust a politician about as far as I can throw an angry cat... It may be pretty far but definitely not out of sight. Obama seems to be "a different kind of candidate" I know people who would never endorse or contribute who have taken a new turn this time around. I have never voted even though I have been eligible since 1998, I guess I just never believed in any of the candidates enough. Or I never hated the opposition enough. (Not that I hate McCain, but the GOP has built enough bad blood to sink any ship they tried to float) If Obama turns out to be just another politician this will be a major blow for the country, the youth would forever loose faith in these windbags. On the upside it could possibly finally make a 3rd party candidate a viable option.