Thursday, May 15, 2008

Support America!

So you may have noticed Obama sporting the uber patriotic flag pin lately. I thought he was playing risky before by not wearing it, but then he defended himself and it made perfect sense. (He basically pointed out how people were fakin and wearing that shit just to look like they gave two shits)
Conservatives have used his lack of lapel pin along with his middle name (Hussein which he was given before Saddam made a name for himself) and whatever else they can to make him look unpatriotic. The funny thing is John McCain and Hillary Clinton don't wear em... actually if you go back to the first debates for either side you'll only find 4 candidates with the pins on.

I for one was opposed to the whole post 9/11 flag craze. As I started seeing the flag being used a symbol for 9/11 I became more and more worried cause it looked like propaganda to me. I think it played a big role in making people believe that "the terrorists hate us because of our freedom" and "if you're not with us you're against us". Why do people think that by putting a flag sticker on your car or wearing a flag shirt (which is against official flag guidelines) makes them more patriotic? A better question might be why do people think loving the flag makes them patriotic? I guess the definition can be debated, but it sure aint wearing some pin while you help the country gown down the hole.

Please comment!

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