Thursday, May 8, 2008

There's Only 4 Years Left

You may be wondering what there is only 4 years til, well that's simple my friends, 4 years til Election 2012! But we are still in the 2008 running you say, well who isn't growing tired of this endless political contest? This primary season could've used a lock-out or something. We've doing this since like October of 2007 now. Can we figure out a national primary week, or two weeks, or month? Why have we drug this out to the point where Guam and Puerto Rico are drawing the eyes of the nation about selecting the U.S. President. (just so you know I'm not mad at Guam, P.R. or any other territory, it's the Democratic strategy that put them into this position)
After seeing the outcome of the Indiana and North Carolina primaries, it's time now to tell Hillary Clinton to call it quits. She could do the job, and I do like the idea of everyone's voice being heard but this just aint her year. Why ask for her to quit? Don't worry, I have not bought into that type of talk for the purpose of unifying the party, or cause they're giving the Republicans ammo... bullshit. For me it's the fact that Obama has won more votes from the people, it is basically impossible for her to catch up. She has been pulling out these stats including Michigan and Florida results, knowing that they do not count. She has been playing with words and this silly gas tax holiday, knowing that it won't do us drivers any good. Who's out of touch? I am frustrated by the government. Why is she in the race unless she is counting on using the same old tricks that we are all so tired of? It does the most damage to her own reputation if she can't see what's best for her party. It's time for change in this country and her brand of novelty is too familiar. 
I wonder if it's even possible for Obama to deliver the type of sweeping reforms he's touting? I don't think he can do it, but if he delivers half-way on half of his promises (which is more than I expect from politicians) that will be a start. 

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