Wednesday, December 10, 2008

You're Never Supposed to Go Full Retard

Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich... yesterday morning most people in the world didn't know a thing about this imbecile. Blagojevich was arrested on federal corruption charges. He and his chief of staff John Harris each stand accused of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud, and a count of solicitation of bribery. This fool replaced disgraced Illinois Governor George Ryan who is currently in prison! He came into office promising to "end business as usual". Well we can see how that went.

This idiot was trying his best to sell off Barack Obama's vacant U.S. Senate Seat. He was already under investigation and for some reason didn't think the feds were smart enough to tap his phone while he rattled of a string of "fucks" and "shits" while saying shit as stupid as "They're not willing to give me anything except appreciation" in reference to Obama's preference for an as yet unnamed candidate. Or check out this little jewel, "Unless I get something real good for [Senate Candidate 1], shit, I'll just send myself, you know what I'm saying." 

I'm not even gonna start naming names as far as Illinois politics and a long history of corruption. How could this idiot not have seen this coming? Does he not realize Obama's whole platform was about ending this type of corruption? I think any Illinois politician with an ounce of smarts should have been jumping at the opportunity to help bring Dick-face McGee [Blagojevich] down. this was a chance to earn major points on an international stage. I hope somebody was smart enough to benefit from this. I was gonna talk a lot of shit about Jesse Jackson Jr. in this space cause he's been implicated as one of the candidates (Senate Candidate 5) who is discussed in this scandal, but I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt until more facts come out. If he was part of this his career is done too... along with his families legacy when you factor in his father saying he wanted to cut Barack's nuts off (on Fox News no less!!!).

Johnson Shagwell put me on to the picture I used above, all I can say is that pic is worth more than a thousand words. We need to target those Rats on the real. Another point Shagwell made is doesn't Blagojevich just look like a snitch anyway... I wouldn't trust that face to re-lace my shoes. How did he get elected, twice?

I remember my father and my uncle talking shit about politicians when I was younger. I was impressed by my brother cause he had gotten a job working for a Chicago Alderman. I didn't have a real understanding of what the alderman did or why I should be impressed but I figured it was a good thing. My father and my uncle both were completely unimpressed and told my brother that he could work for the guy at his comic shop, but not to even think about doing anything political for the dude. They understood that Illinois and specifically Chicago politics were a pit of quicksand. 

What do EWE think?

Chicago is famously known as the Windy City.
Contrary to popular belief this is not cause it's 
sooooo windy out there (which it is).
Chicago earned that name in reference to the way
early 19th century politicians ran their mouths
spewing one empty promise after another.
- The were a bunch of wind-bags.

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