Friday, May 30, 2008

Savages! Let us teach and enlighten them...

An uncontacted indigenous tribe was photographed in South America on the Brazilian and Peruvian border. The pictures were taken from a plane by the Brazilian government to prove the tribes existence as well as protect them. 
Apparently there approx 100 uncontacted tribes worldwide. I don't know how they can have any kind of accurate count of something they have not seen but... Anyway, more than half of those tribes live in Brazil and Peru. 
Indeigenous tribes are at risk of extinction due to human interaction. Logging is a major problem along with disease. They can die from a common cold cause their bodies can't defend against our diseases. They can however live in the rainforest without dying from Malaria.

So they will remain uncontacted. My question is why? Are we protecting them or just looking at em like a damn ant farm. Some would argue that their souls needs saving. We know they can't make it to heaven unless they hear about Baby Jesus. For the record I would be completely against contacting them. We should make sure we keep clear of their lands and don't destroy their habitat. But I have to wonder if I would want to be contacted if I were them... I mean these people don't know who Mike Jordan, Jackson or Tyson is! Maybe they would like chillaxin1 in the air conditioning, microwaving a hot pocket and playing Rockband on an 42" HDTV. 

Welcome to the Jungle
Look at them pointing arrows at the plane. 
They may have put the red and black war paint 
on after the plane made it's first pass. 

The one painted black is a woman. 
I wonder what they think of the plane. 

They are a pretty good sized tribe. I really like this picture. 
Doesn't it look like this plane is a huge deal to them? They look scared.

1 Chillaxin: chillin and relaxing at the same time

Please comment!


Quishenta Joans said...

I'd never seen the other pictures. The body paint is the ish!

Poster BOY said...

Yo, Im down to go tribal. Fuck all this societal bullshit. Work, work, work, all day long. Work, work, work, while I sing this song. Do this, dont do that! Man fuck that!

$4.00+ for a gallon of gas. A fucking apple cost me almost $2.00 at the grocery store.

Give me a gun, a canoe, a couple peeople to come with me and I'll move to the mother fucking mountains, and we'll start our own tribe. I'll be a Neo-Native American. I like the sound of that.

Are they accepting applications? I think Im about to be laid off.

Hell yeah Im bitter!!!

Estacio Villa: Professional for Hire said...

Poster Boy...
you snapped. Stay away from working at the post office, that would turn out bad for everybody.