Saturday, June 7, 2008

Grade A Asshole

So the race for Democratic nominee went pretty wild huh? Everybody knows how large a role race and sex did and will continue to play. Question - Where in the hell was the media and women in general when this shit happened?
The signs were smuggled in (obvious folds in the paper) by 2 guys, Adolfo Gonzalez Jr. and Nick Gemelli. "Iron My Shirt" was an anti-women's rights slogan decades ago, and when asked the 21 year old Gemelli's best reasoning for pulling the stunt was "I just don't think a woman should be President". 
 This guy has an Iron My Shirt sign! In the year 2000. Can you imagine the response a "Go Pick some Cotton" sign, or even something like "I Love Watermelon" would get if it were at an Obama rally? Whoever held that sign would be strung up and demonized quick-fast by our (overt) racism intolerant media. They seem to have no issues with sexism though. $ex $ell$
 I know a lot of men (and some women even) don't think a woman "should" be President. First off if you're a woman and you would buy into a statement like that, I'm sorry for you. That self hate you have deep inside is only gonna eat you up. You need to break those mental chains, the only thing making you inferior is yourself. Men who believe that... I feel sorry for your mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters. 
Basically I equate sexism and racism. (I also equate racism with racism, as in Blacks hating all Whites is not "reverse" racism, it's just racism and it's stupid either way) Growing up in an multi-racial family was great. It taught me how to look past skin color, lucky for me I also had some sisters, plenty of cousins, aunts and a mother. It would be a lie to say I don't see gender first, but there is plenty more to a woman. Some women are smarter than others, and some are smarter than plenty men. The idea that one of the qualifications to lead is being a man is pretty fucked. There's not too much a difference in that thought and the thought that being White is a qualification. 
I'm fuckin tired of people like Mitt Romney saying Barack Obama is "well-spoken". Remember when Chris Rock said they would say that? What do you expect from a well educated politician? It pissed me off for people to criticize Hillary's make-up or outfits, and the whole she almost cried thing. Sexism is alive and well, and I'll tell you I would have been just as proud to cast my vote for a qualified woman as I will be for a qualified minority. 
You slack-jawed yokels don't need to agree with her but you need to accept that she almost was, and may in the future be US President. 
So I says Mabel, Mabel I says/
Do you really think they will let you be the Pres?/
Do you really think they'll salute you in a dress?/
They be like "Oh he speaks well I'm really impressed"
-Incog of 3rdeyelanders from `Whats Yo Problem` 2002


1 comment:

Quishenta Joans said...

I was at a comedy show when a skit about the next president came up. This ditzy blonde was offened that a woman was running for president. The funny thing is this was only in November. That shows how much this woman lived in our world. She and her boyfriend heckled most of the show. They were never asked to leave, but my very mild latino family was warned about our "loudness" and treated rudely over the seating arrangment before the show even started as soon as we entered. I guess Racism and Sexism are widely accepted to this day. I think Hillary would be an awful president though, but I know Bush is a terrible one now.