So if you didn't notice, like half of the country is under water right now. It looks like a whole bunch of mini-Katrinas. People who were told they would be safe are left with nothing.
The Mississippi seems mad and all those on her banks are feeling the wrath. I don't know who's fault this is. I don't know if flooding can be blamed on anything. Should people not live so close to the water? Should the levee's be better? Levee... I know a guy named Levy, and I know that dude drove his Chevy to the Levee but the Levee was gone, besides that I never knew shit about em. Since Katrina I've seen that funny lookin word more than I've seen Dutch's1.
So people are upset because they were told that their homes were at very little to no risk of flooding, but then the floods came. We can't say we're surprised to see levee's fail it's a common theme now. But take a look at what other countries have for levee's. I'm no engineer but I'd like to know why ours can't look more like:
And less like:
I got that top picture from some Joe-ks.com, he's got a page up showing a bunch of high-tech levee's from around the world. Click on the title of this article to see his collection of levee pictures.
The second is a broken by Katrina levee in New Orleans.
1- Funny I should say that.
That was the last thing I wrote yesterday before we packed up for the boat.
Then randomly I spent the afternoon with 3 gorgeous girls from Holland.
They spoke Dutch.
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