Israel vs. Palestine
The Palestinian Radical Militant group Hamas has declared an end to it's 6 month cease fire with Israel in the Gaza Strip. Hamas issued a statement saying Israel had not "respected" the truce, while Israel said in it's own statement that militants "had chosen violence over truth". The truce, brokered by Egypt began June 19th. Rocket fire from Palestine and military operations and blockades from Israel were never completely halted.
Israel is in an election cycle and tough talks from politicians will do little to ease Palestinian fears of the bad times ahead. Hamas and other militant groups make no qualms when it comes to their intentions of fighting til the end. They still strive for martyrdom and destruction of Israel. Hamas was voted into power by the people. While the democratically elected Israeli government has wide support as well. It seems like the only ones who want a truly peaceful solution are outsiders and the voice-less victims on both sides.
I try to understand what is going on with these two countries. I have taken a special interest in this particular conflict for years now. I don't claim to be an expert but I do pay attention. At different times I've felt different ways and I can't truly pick a side. Some things are clear to me though.
I do feel Israel has the upper-hand in the situation. They receive support from the US both financial and technological. If Israel truly wanted to wipe the Palestinians off the map they have the ability and that trump card is a strong weapon.
The Palestinian resistance does need a better plan. Firing rockets at Israeli population centers, or suicide bombings, or tractor attacks are dirty tactics. Many will argue that they have no choice but to fight the best they can, but they have to understand how little support these methods of attack garner from the international community.
It's hard to even start a piece like this, there are contradictions at every sentence. I know if I were a Palestinian I would want to strike out at Israel in any way I could. And if I were an Israeli I'd want to protect mine and my family's lives any way I could. It's been such a historically disputed area for soooooo long that religion is used as history. Judaism and Islam are both 100% right in their own eyes.
I think it is obvious for many people that this has less and less to do with any faith, ideology, or anything practical anymore. Basically this whole thing has turned into a power struggle driven by fear, anger and most of all revenge on both sides.